Michael Weber about the Nikon D3

Michael Weber, mostly known for his equipments tests, has posted a small review of the D3 at a forum (not on his site).

For those able to read German visit this link.

I don’t have the time to translate the full article, only so much: he was even thinking about the Canon MkIII but now he is absolutely euphoric about the D3 performance in every aspect: autofocus (probably beating the MkIII!), white balance, noise….

His conclusion: Nikon has rewarded all who stayed with Nikon….

Nikon D3 – white balance and AF performance

Marcel Sauder, a freelancing photograph with plenty of experience, reported about the D3 here and for those of us not able to read German here is my translation:

The D3 outshines  everything I hold in my hands so far (Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Mamiya)!

“I tested the following lenses and each of them is still top with the D3: 85/1.4, 50/1.4, 200/2.0, 70-200/2.8″

Auto white balance is sensational and beats the pants off the D2X. Doing available light the D2X was disapointing but the D3 delivered”

“The new AF is able to detect colours and features a face/eye detection, the cam was able to follow the eyes/the face until you turn away. If you don’t want the feature you can turn it off “

Which CompactFlash cards to use with the D3?

Will your current CompactFlash cards be sufficient for the new Nikon flagship? Matjaž Intihar did a interesting test with the D3 and CompactFlash cards:

“Other than that, the only real disappointment is the SanDisk Extreme III. While it’s a perfectly good card, it’s just too expensive for the speed it provides.

So – buy whatever you need, but if you’re buying the Nikon D3 or either one of Canon’s Mk IIIs – go for the Extreme IV, it’s the only card that’s fast enough for these cameras. “

Shooting in available darkness – an interview

I found another interivew on Youtube about the Nikon D3 and they two key phrases for me are:

 “Shooting in available darkness


The autofocus capabilities surpass the D2Xs

But watch yourself

Nikon still optimizing the D300 firmware

According to this thread at Dpreview Nikon is still optimizing the D300 firmware and we will have to wait further two weeks until we see high ISO images made with the D300 on Nikons site. If this it true, I wonder if they will keep their shipment shedule…

BTW,  for all those still hungry for samples from the D3, this thread also contains a picture made with the D3 at ISO1600.