Andy Rouse is glad about the D3

Andy Rouse, professional wildlife photographer and a winner in the Shell/BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards both this year and in years past and photographer on Animal Planet and a Canon Shooter has the following to say about the Nikon D3:

“I have been testing the D3 all week and in my opinion it is far better than any of the Canons, and this is from a dedicated Canon pro. The high ISO performance is better IMHO than the 1D MK3, so is the autofocus. The images also have a much better dynamic range, one look at the histograms compared to the 1DS MK3 show that. I have been shooting both cameras alongside each other and I have given up the MK3 as it is too slow to do much.”

Read also his complete D3 review!

D300 review by DigitalCameraResource

DigitalCameraResource has their D300 review online:

“It’s not often that I review a camera actually lives up to the manufacturer’s hype — and the D300 does exactly that.”

Thom Hogans new predictions

Thom Hogan has updated his site with three new articles and one of it is a prediction for Nikon 2008 – as always an interesting read…

D300: camera of the year 2007

The Editors of Popular Photography & Imaging have choosen the Nikon D300 as the camera of the year 2007.

No camera both refines and redefines photography as well as the Nikon D300.”

Dynamic range versus ISO: from D100 up to D3

In a post at the Nikonians there is a comparision between all major Nikon cams: D100, D70, D50, D200, D80, D40x, D2X, D300 and D3, measured based on RAW files  Nikonians submitted. A good and easy way to compare dynamic range, e.g. from the D200 at ISO 200 the D300 is about 1.5 stops better and the D3 about 2 stops better.