vBulletin 5 Connect Beta

What you can expect from vBulletin 5 Connect Beta:

  • vb5 is 3x slower than vb4 – and no, that’s not a server issue. See below screenshot of a post that was removed by vBulletin staff (EDIT: its now back again)
  • vb5 puts a massive load on the database (if you are logged in, 117-121 queries for a single page)
  • A HTML/CSS mess never seen before (40 CSS classes on a single HTML tag)
  • Many features are non-intuitive (e.g. the notifications)
  • It will lack a lot of features when released (stated by vBulletin staff on their forums)
  • Upgrading from vb4 costs you $209 compared to $249 for a new license
  • The end of free support tickets – you only get 1 month free ticket support, after that you have to pay for support tickets at $199 per year

And to top this, Internet Brands has killed their longtime German vBulletin distributor known for superb support.

As a vBulletin customer using the software since its early days (2001) I have to admit, this is a new low mark for Internet Brands.

vBulletin 5 performance

Nikon D600 shipping soon

The new D600 (TBA) is shipping in a few weeks.

  • 24,3 MP FX frame sensor
  • 100% viewfinder coverage
  • AF with 39 points
  • 5,5 frames per second
  • ISO 1000-6400
  • 3.2″ rear LCD 921k pixel
  • Full HD video at 24/25/30 fps or 60 fps if using 720p
  • Very affordable at a list price of $2099


Another disaster for Internet Brands: Wikimedia seeks declaratory relief

After the Xenforo debacle Internet Brands obviously is actively looking for new problems: Wikimedia sues Internet Brands.

Read the full story at http://blog.wikimedia.org/ and https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/File:WMF_complaint_for_declaratory_judgement_September_2012.pdf

Maybe CEO Robert N. Brisco should tell his team to provide better services to his customers (both vBulletin and commnities) than keeping lawyers busy.

Robot Cheetah Outruns Usain Bolt

Pentagons robot cheetah outruns Usain Bolt at 28.3 mph:

A day to remember: Nokia finally let Qt go

If you don’t know Qt: it is a remarkable piece of software that enables software developers to write a single programm and deploy it on the most important platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) giving the developer the ultimate freedom.

In 2008 Nokia bought Qt from Trolltech but in 2011 Nokia started a partnership with Microsoft and they hope to become #1 in the cell phone market again – maybe they still haven’t heard about Iphone and Android.

Now CEO Elrop finally recognized that he can’t be in bed with Microsoft and develop a cross platform application framework and sold Qt. Wow. It took you so long?

Bad for Nokia but good for all of us. We need choices, not monopoly.