Scott Kelby answers questions about the new D3

After Scott Kelby posted his D3 first hand experiences, he was overwhelmed with questions (became a hot topic on some forums). Now he has compiled an interesting Q&A on his blog: high ISO, are 12 MP sufficient, how is Auto White Balance, and so on…

New D300 samples

A lucky guy named Aquarius managed to put his CF card in a Nikon D300 at an exhibition. Of course not as astonishing as the D3 but surely better than the D200. But see yourself:

The high ISO samples are currently hosted here and the discussion about the pictures can be found here in the Nikon Cafe (in English) or here (in German). The full high resolution pics are hosted here.

Nikon D3 high ISO samples

DigitalReview has posted some high ISO samples from the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball home games at the Rogers Stadium in Toronto, the pictures range from ISO 4000 to ISO 6400. One of the images was captured with the new Nikkor AF-S 500mm f/4 VR G ED

Nikon D3: first hand experiences (part 2)

InsideDigitalPhoto has a lengthy interview with Vincent Versace.


Cliff Mautner not only shows a few marvelous wedding photos shot with the D3, he also shares his views about the camera. And guess what, his first impressions where mind blowing!


As some questioned Ed Betz motives when he posted his friendly review of the new D3 here is his answer at the Dpreview forum:

“Yes, I’m a professional photographer, former Nikon shooter and I now shoot Canon. I have shot the MarkIII (A few weeks ago at the US Open in New York) and I stopped shooting it 1 match.

I have images from both the Mark III and the D3 and sadly (for me) the D3 was hands down better. They were not even in the same class.

The D3 focused faster and more accurate then the Mark III (or my Mark II) and as for high iso images, they are not even in the same league. The D3, in my professional opinion, produced images at 3200 iso that compare with 800 iso in the Mark III I used.

I don’t report this as a Nikon user to gloat (I’m a Canon shooter). It was however my actual experience having used both cameras and having images from both cameras on my computer.

As for my experience with cameras, reviews, testing and noise, I’d suggest you do a quick google search on my name and the D1, D2H, Mark II and others. You will find that I have done extensive noise testing, that was reported on many other websites and my reports were accurate and honest.

I have no axe to grind with any camera company. I had the opportunity to shoot a D3 and I simply reported my honest experience.”

Nikon AF-S 200mm f/2 G IF-ED

I have to begin my list of Nikons best lenses with the one I personally like the most, the famous Nikkor 200/2 lens. Compared to other tele primes it’s rather small and light (at least at 2,9 kg it’s lighter than other primes) and it’s bokeh is gorgeous. And the fast f/2.0 really help’s a lot when you are an available light fan like I am. Even with teleconverts the lens delivers good results. While far from cheap it’s worth every penny.

Nikon 200/2

Bjørn Rørslett, famous for his lens reviews, shares my enthusiasm about the lens. Click here for his review.

If you want to find good samples of pictures made with this lens and if you want to meet some nice people who share the enthusiasm for this lens visit the famous thread at the Nikon Cafe forum – already counting 194 pages (at least till today). Beware! Enter this thread at your own risk, maybe your wallet will become empty… 🙂