I have found a new D3 review, unfortunately in Polnish, but I find the pictures interesting enough to share them with you, especially starting with page 3…
Rob Galbraith: The Nikon D3 from ISO200 to ISO25600
Rob Galbraith has gathered pictures made with the Nikon D3 by three different photographers, including full resolution files – a nice collection…
Do you care about the D3 autofocus?
In a quick report Žiga Intihar not only reports from the Nikon Solutions in Vienna but also shows some new D3 pictures and a video showing the autofocus capabilities of the D3. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page…. 🙂
Nikon D3 review on SportsShooter and new samples
Matt Brown has posted a D3 review on SportsShooter and obviously he really liked the cam:
“I had said in the past that the F5 was best camera Nikon every made, then came the D2Xs. After shooting for two weeks with the D3, I can say both the F5 and D2Xs or any other camera on the market, can’t touch the advancements in this camera.
After nearly 30,000 frames with D3 I can say that it is a leap ahead of anything on the market. Fast, accurate, rich clean colors and an ISO second to none, are just a few words that can be used to describe the new flagship of Nikon.”
And for those of you after some more D3 pictures I have found a Korean website with plenty D3 pics…
Nikkor AF-S 24-70/2.8 review on Photozone
Klaus Schroiff has posted a review of the new high end lens AF-S 24-70/2.8 on his site Photozone