WD Velociraptor: the first SATA drive to beat many SAS drives

Western Digital has announced a new generation of their high end SATA drives called Raptor: Velociraptor.

According to a Velociraptor test at Toms Hardware they are not only the  fastest SATA drives available and the best hard drive choice for high-end PCs, they even beat many SAS drives (known for their performance and used in servers)!

Nikon D3 review on Dpreview

I quote

“From an image quality and performance point of view the D3 raises the bar by a fair degree. For a sports camera it’s also a surprisingly good studio and landscape camera, and if there’s a better DSLR out there for photojournalists and red carpet paps we’ve yet to meet it. Image quality (especially at higher ISOs) is stunning, the camera a joy to use and the speed and responsiveness breathtaking. If there is an EOS-1Ds Mark III – bating ‘D3X’ coming this year it will have quite a job to do to better the D3; possibly the most compelling, capable and well-rounded professional digital SLR ever made.”

But read the full article.

New features for Nikon D3 via new firmware

Nikon has released a new D3 firmware giving the D3 new features:

  • new Vignette control in the shooting menu
  • new Focus point brightness item in the a6 setting
  • range of settings available for ISO sensitivity settings>ISO sensitivity auto control>Minimum shutter speed in the shooting menu has been increased from 1/250–1 s to 1/4000–1 s

New Nikon site about their lenses

Watch out for www.nikkor.com, a new site from Nikon about their lenses…

Last but not least: Thom Hogans D300 review

Thom Hogan has posted his review of the Nikon D300.

“We’ve seen plenty of examples of aggressive design decisions from Nikon in their eight years of DSLR making, but the D300 is amongst the most aggressive of all”

But read yourself as Thom Hogan is known for his critical views. BTW, his D300 guide will be available for pre-order next week. If his new guide is as good as the D2H I have from him I highly recommend this book.